Accession: | |
Functional site class: | AP2 alpha ligands |
Functional site description: | Motifs responsible for the binding of accessory endocytic proteins to the alpha-subunit of adaptor protein AP-2 and their recruitment to the site of clathrin coated vesicle formation. |
ELMs with same func. site: | LIG_AP2alpha_1 LIG_AP2alpha_2 |
ELM Description: | The FxDxF motif is an alpha appendage binding sequence found in several regulatory and accessory proteins essential to clathrin coat assembly. It is involved in the binding of amphipysin, AP180 and synaptojanin170 to the alpha-subunit of AP-2. |
Pattern: | F.D.F |
Pattern Probability: | 0.0000169 |
Present in taxons: | Eukaryota Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Interaction Domain: |
Alpha_adaptin_C (PF02296)
Alpha adaptin AP2, C-terminal domain
(Stochiometry: 1 : 1)
![]() |
Vesicular traffic in the endocytic and secretory pathway is mediated by vesicles that carry cargo proteins. Clathrin-coated vesicles are responsible for a large fraction of the vescicular traffic that reaches the endosomal compartment, originating from the plasma membrane or from the TGN (trans-Golgi network). The assembly of the clathrin-coated vesicles is mediated by proteic adaptors, monomeric as AP180 and CALM or multimeric complexes like AP (Adaptor Protein) complexes. AP complexes are heterotetrameric proteins that simultaneously interact with clathrin and endocytic proteins: for example, the beta-subunit of AP-2 complex binds to clathrin, the mu-subunit interacts with Y-based sorting signal present in the cytosolic tails of membrane receptors and the alpha-subunit of AP-2 binds regulatory/accessory proteins involved in the control of clathrin coated vesicle formation. |

Direct interaction of the 170 kDa isoform of synaptojanin 1 with clathrin
and with the clathrin adaptor AP-2.
Haffner C, Di Paolo G, Rosenthal JA, de Camilli P
Curr Biol 2000 Apr 20; 10 (8), 471-4
PMID: 10801423
Clathrin- and AP-2-binding sites in HIP1 uncover a general assembly role
for endocytic accessory proteins.
Mishra SK, Agostinelli NR, Brett TJ, Mizukami I, Ross TS, Traub LM
J Biol Chem 2001 Dec 7; 276 (49), 46230-6
PMID: 11577110
Accessory protein recruitment motifs in clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
Brett TJ, Traub LM, Fremont DH
Structure (Camb) 2002 Jun; 10 (6), 797-809
PMID: 12057195
Linking endocytic cargo to clathrin: structural and functional insights
into coated vesicle formation.
Owen DJ
Biochem Soc Trans 2004 Feb; 32, 1-14
PMID: 14748702

(click table headers for sorting; Notes column: =Number of Switches, =Number of Interactions)
Acc., Gene-, Name | Start | End | Subsequence | Logic | #Ev. | Organism | Notes |
O08838 Amph AMPH_RAT |
324 | 328 | QENIINFFEDNFVPEINVTT | TP | 5 | Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) | |
O00499 BIN1 BIN1_HUMAN |
362 | 366 | QEQILSLFEDTFVPEISVTT | TP | 1 | Homo sapiens (Human) | |
Q61548 Snap91 AP180_MOUSE |
640 | 644 | SSGVIDLFGDAFGSGASETQ | TP | 5 | Mus musculus (House mouse) | |
Q61548 Snap91 AP180_MOUSE |
562 | 566 | APPALDIFGDLFDSAPEVAA | TP | 1 | Mus musculus (House mouse) | |
Q61548 Snap91 AP180_MOUSE |
436 | 440 | VTTEVDLFGDAFAASPGEAP | TP | 1 | Mus musculus (House mouse) | |
O60641 SNAP91 AP180_HUMAN |
642 | 646 | SSGVIDLFGDAFGSSASEPQ | TP | 1 | Homo sapiens (Human) | |
O60641 SNAP91 AP180_HUMAN |
564 | 568 | APPALDIFGDLFESTPEVAA | TP | 1 | Homo sapiens (Human) | |
O60641 SNAP91 AP180_HUMAN |
440 | 444 | VTAEVDLFGDAFAASPGEAP | TP | 1 | Homo sapiens (Human) | |
324 | 328 | QENIINLFDDNFVPEINVTT | TP | 0 | Gallus gallus (Chicken) | |
324 | 328 | QENIISFFEDNFVPEISVTT | TP | 1 | Homo sapiens (Human) | |
Q9PTK7 snap91 Q9PTK7_XENLA |
434 | 438 | STAEVDLFGDAFAASPDEAT | TP | 0 | Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) |
Please cite:
ELM-the Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource-2024 update.
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ELM data can be downloaded & distributed for non-commercial use according to the ELM Software License Agreement