The Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource for
Functional Sites in Proteins
Functional site class:
Melanisation activation site
Functional site description:
Prophenoloxidase activation cleavage site is cut by the PPAE enzyme which is also inhibited by some serpins. Activation leads to melanisation of invasive organisms.
ELM Description:
Prophenoloxidase-activation proteinase is Anthropoda specific proprotein convertase. It activates the melanisation process, which is a common response to parasite entry in invertebrate animals. Similar to several other proprotein convertases it cleaves polypeptide at carboxy-site of arginine. Note that this cleavage usually occurs at unstructured N-terminal end of target proteins.
Pattern: [ILV]..R[VF][GS].
Pattern Probability: 0.0001054
Present in taxon: Arthropoda
Interaction Domain:
Trypsin (PF00089) Trypsin (Stochiometry: 1 : 1)
o See 12 Instances for CLV_MEL_PAP_1
o Abstract
Prophenoloxidase activation cleavage site is cut by the PPAE enzyme which is also inhibited by some serpins. Activation leads to melanisation of invasive organisms.
o 3 selected references:

o 3 GO-Terms:

o 12 Instances for CLV_MEL_PAP_1
(click table headers for sorting; Notes column: =Number of Switches, =Number of Interactions)
Acc., Gene-, NameStartEndSubsequenceLogic#Ev.OrganismNotes
O97047 ppo-5
47 53 KPLGVALTNRFGEDADERID TP 1 Tenebrio molitor (Yellow mealworm)
O76951 AgProPO
46 52 RPIGPEIQNRFGENAEERIP TP 1 Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito)
Q86MV4 Prophenoloxid
48 54 RSVATQVFNRFGDDTESKLP TP 1 Apis mellifera (Honey bee)
Q9GYX9 Prophenoloxid
49 55 RAIGAELQNRFSNDAEQRIP TP 1 Armigeres subalbatus
Q9BLG6 Prophenoloxid
48 54 ANNGIELNNRFGDDASEKIP TP 1 Bombyx mori (Domestic silkworm)
Q16IZ3 AAEL013496
48 54 RAIGQSLQTRFSTNISTRVP TP 1 Aedes aegypti (Yellow fever mosquito)
Q9Y0B4 Ppo1
47 53 RPIGSEVQSRFGEKAEKRIP TP 0 Neobellieria bullata (Grey fleshfly)
O77002 HcProPO
48 54 KFATNVIANRFGNDATRTIP TP 1 Hyphantria cunea (Fall webworm moth)
Q8I6K2 proPO-I
48 54 KNVAVEISNRFGEDDSETVT TP 1 Holotrichia diomphalia
Q8I6K1 proPO-II
47 53 KAIGVQVSNRFGEETKSKIP TP 1 Holotrichia diomphalia
Q8MUI4 Prophenoloxid
41 47 DEAPPSVATRVGVSPSVNLP TP 1 Penaeus monodon (Black tiger shrimp)
Q27598 Bc
49 55 RNDTEEVGNRFSKDVDLKIP TP 1 Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)
Please cite: ELM-the Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource-2024 update. (PMID:37962385)

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