ELM Identifier | Description | RegEx | Instances | Instances in PDB | Articles.ELM |
LIG_Pex14_3 | Motif in Pex5 interacting with the N-terminal domain (NTD) of Pex14 | LV.EF[LM] | 1 | 1 | articles.ELM |
LIG_Pex14_4 | Fungal motif in Pex5 interacting with the N-terminal domain of Pex14 | MM[NDE][EDNAG]F[LMA] | 0 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_AP2beta_CARGO_1 | AP-2 beta appendage platform subdomain (top surface) binding motif used in targeting cargo for internalisation. | [DE].{1,2}F[^P][^P][FL][^P][^P][^P]R | 4 | 2 | articles.ELM |
TRG_Cilium_Arf4_1 | The QVxPx motif is located in the cytoplasmatic tails of vesicular cargoes. It allows the interaction with proteins that permit the vesicle budding from the trans-Golgi-network and its posterior transport to the plasma membrane of the cilia. | QV.P.$ | 1 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_Cilium_RVxP_2 | The RVxPx motif is located in the cytoplasmatic tails of vesicular cargoes. It allows the interaction with proteins that permit the vesicle budding from the trans-Golgi-network and its posterior transport to the plasma membrane of the cilia | RV.P. | 2 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_DiLeu_BaEn_1 | Classical adaptin sigma subunit-binding acidic dileucine motifs sorting in Endosomal-Basolateral trafficking. | E..[^P]L[LIVM] | 23 | 4 | articles.ELM |
TRG_DiLeu_BaEn_2 | Phe-containing variant adaptin sigma subunit-binding acidic dileucine motifs sorting in Endosomal-Basolateral trafficking | [^E]E...F[LIVM] | 4 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_DiLeu_BaEn_3 | Diglutamate-containing variant Adaptin sigma subunit-binding acidic dileucine motifs sorting in Endosomal-Basolateral trafficking. | EE...[FIM][LIVM] | 4 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_DiLeu_BaEn_4 | Acidic dileucine motifs with a monoleucine preference and extra glutamate sorting in Endosomal-Basolateral trafficking. | EE...L[^LIVMF] | 4 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_DiLeu_BaLyEn_6 | Dileucine motifs lacking Glu+1 with Pro-Arg preference at +4 sorting in Endosomal-Basolateral-Lysosomal trafficking. | [^E]..[RP]L[LI] | 18 | 1 | articles.ELM |
TRG_DiLeu_LyEn_5 | Acidic dileucine motifs with Arg or Pro preference at position 4 interacting with AP-3 and sorting in Endosomal-Lysosomal trafficking. | [E]..[RP]L[LI] | 18 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_ENDOCYTIC_2 | Tyrosine-based sorting signal responsible for the interaction with mu subunit of AP (Adaptor Protein) complex | Y..[LMVIF] | 15 | 1 | articles.ELM |
TRG_ER_diArg_1 | The di-Arg ER retention motif is defined by two consecutive arginine residues (RR) or with a single residue insertion (RXR). The motif is completed by an adjacent hydrophobic/arginine residue which may be on either side of the Arg pair. | ([LIVMFYWPR]R[^YFWDE]{0,1}R)|(R[^YFWDE]{0,1}R[LIVMFYWPR]) | 27 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_ER_diLys_1 | ER retention and retrieving signal found at the C-terminus of type I ER membrane proteins (cytoplasmic in this topology). Di-Lysine signal is responsible for COPI-mediated retrieval from post-ER compartments. | K.{0,1}K.{2,3}$ | 14 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_ER_FFAT_1 | MSP-domain binding FFAT (diphenylalanine [FF] in an Acidic Tract) motif | [EDS].{0,4}[ED][FY][FYKREM][DE][AC].{1,2}[EDST] | 29 | 2 | articles.ELM |
TRG_ER_FFAT_2 | A variant of the classic MSP-domain binding FFAT (diphenylalanine [FF] in an Acidic Tract) motif | [EDS].{0,4}[EDSQN][FY][FYMITH]([ST])[ACP].{1,2}[EDST] | 7 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_ER_KDEL_1 | Golgi-to-ER retrieving signal found at the C-terminus of many ER soluble proteins. It interacts with the KDEL receptor which in turns interacts with components of the coatomer (COP I). | [KRHQSAP][DENQT]EL$ | 13 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_Golgi_diPhe_1 | ER to Golgi anterograde transport signal found at the C-terminus of type I ER-CGN integral membrane cargo receptors (cytoplasmic in this topology), it binds to COPII. | Q.{6,6}FF.{6,7}$ | 11 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_LysEnd_GGAAcLL_1 | Sorting signal directing type I transmembrane proteins from the Trans Golgi Network (TGN) to the lysosomal-endosomal compartment. It is found near the C-terminus and interacts with the VHS domain of GGAs adaptor proteins. | D..LL.{1,2}$ | 6 | 3 | articles.ELM |
TRG_LysEnd_GGAAcLL_2 | Internal acidic di Leucine motif found in GGA 1 and 3. It binds to their VHS domains in an autoinhibitory manner. Cycles of phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of upstream Ser regulate the autoinhibitory binding and therefore the function of GGA 1/3. | S[LW]LD[DE]EL[LM] | 4 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_NES_CRM1_1 | Many proteins re-exported from the nucleus contain an amphipathic often Leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) binding to the CRM1 exportin protein. | ([DEQ].{0,1}[LIM].{2,3}[LIVMF][^P]{2,3}[LMVF].[LMIV].{0,3}[DE])|([DE].{0,1}[LIM].{2,3}[LIVMF][^P]{2,3}[LMVF].[LMIV].{0,3}[DEQ]) | 18 | 3 | articles.ELM |
TRG_NESrev_CRM1_2 | Reverse NES binding the CRM1 groove in the minus direction. The spacing of the initial two hydrophobic residues ΦxΦ dictates the reverse orientation | [FLIM].[VLIMF]..[FLIMVY][^P][^P][^P][LVIM][^P][^P][LVIMA] | 2 | 2 | articles.ELM |
TRG_NLS_Bipartite_1 | Bipartite variant of the classical basically charged NLS. | [KR][KR].{7,15}[^DE]((K[RK])|(RK))(([^DE][KR])|([KR][^DE]))[^DE] | 11 | 4 | articles.ELM |
TRG_NLS_MonoCore_2 | Monopartite variant of the classical basically charged NLS. Strong core version. | [^DE]((K[RK])|(RK))[KRP][KR][^DE] | 18 | 1 | articles.ELM |
TRG_NLS_MonoExtC_3 | Monopartite variant of the classical basically charged NLS. C-extended version. | [^DE]((K[RK])|(RK))(([^DE][KR])|([KR][^DE]))(([PKR])|([^DE][DE])) | 23 | 2 | articles.ELM |
TRG_NLS_MonoExtN_4 | Monopartite variant of the classical basically charged NLS. N-extended version. | (([PKR].{0,1}[^DE])|([PKR]))((K[RK])|(RK))(([^DE][KR])|([KR][^DE]))[^DE] | 28 | 2 | articles.ELM |
TRG_Oom_RxLR_1 | Oomycete host targeting signal | ((R)|(K.)).LR | 5 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_Pf-PMV_PEXEL_1 | Plasmodium Export Element, PEXEL, is a trafficking signal for protein cleavage by PMV protease and export from Plasmodium parasites to infected host cells. | (R.[LI].[EDQ])|(R.L..[EDQ])|(K.L.E) | 24 | 0 | articles.ELM |
TRG_PTS1 | Generic PTS1 ELM for all eukaryotes | (.[SAPTC][KRH][LMFI]$)|([KRH][SAPTC][NTS][LMFI]$) | 5 | 1 | articles.ELM |
TRG_PTS2 | Generic PTS2 pattern for all eukaryotes (except lineages which have lost it) | ^.{1,40}R[^P][^P][^P][LIV][^P][^P][HQ][LIF] | 2 | 2 | articles.ELM |
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ELM-the Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource-2024 update.
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