Accession | Acc. Gene-, Name | Start | End | Subsequence | Logic | PDB | Organism | Length |
ELMI003656 | Q16629 SRSF7 SRSF7_HUMAN |
230 | 234 | KRSRSPSGSPRRSASPERMD | TP | --- | Homo sapiens (Human) | 238 |
Instance evidence
Evidence class | PSI-MI | Method | BioSource | PubMed | Logic | Reliability | Notes |
predicted | MI:0663 | confocal microscopy | in vivo/in vitro | Ding,2012 | support | likely | InteractionDetection |
predicted | MI:0019 | coimmunoprecipitation | in vivo/in vitro | Ding,2012 | support | likely | InteractionDetection |
predicted | MI:0096 | pull down | in vivo/in vitro | Ding,2012 | support | likely | InteractionDetection |
predicted | MI:0072 | monoclonal antibody western blot | Ding,2012 | support | likely | ParticipantIdentification FeatureDetection | |
predicted | MI:0007 | anti tag coimmunoprecipitation | in vivo | Ding,2012 | support | likely | InteractionDetection |
predicted | MI:0833 | autoradiography | Ding,2012 | support | likely | ParticipantIdentification FeatureDetection | |
predicted | MI:0808 | comigration in sds page | in vitro | Ding,2012 | support | likely | InteractionDetection |
Please cite:
ELM-the Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource-2024 update.
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ELM data can be downloaded & distributed for non-commercial use according to the ELM Software License Agreement