ELM related links
ELM associated resources
- Conservation Scorer - The ELM Conservation Scorer assigns a score to each ELM which corresponds to this ELM's conservation throughout homologous sequences
- iElm server - Exploring Interactions of Linear Motifs
- Phospho.ELM - The Phospho.ELM database contains a collection of experimentally verified Serine, Threonine and Tyrosine sites in metazoan proteins
- Switches.ELM - the compendium of conditional regulatory interaction interfaces
Other general motif resources
- HPRD - The Human Protein Reference Database
- PROSITE - Database of protein families and domains (includes patterns describing some functional sites)
Specialised motif resources
- big-PI - GPI Modification Site Prediction
- ChloroP - Predicts the presence of chloroplast transit peptides
- DoReMi - context-based prioritization of linear motif matches
- Merops - Database of peptidases (also termed proteases, proteinases and proteolytic enzymes)
- MITOPROT - Prediction of mitochondrial targeting sequences
- NetNGlyc - Predicts N-Glycosylation sites in human proteins
- NetOGlyc - Predictions of mucin type GalNAc O-glycosylation sites in mammalian proteins
- NetPhos - Prediction of phosphorylation sites
- NMT - prediction of N-terminal N-myristoylation of proteins
- O-GlycBase - Database of O- and C-glycosylated proteins
- P3DB - Plant Protein Phosphorylation DataBase
- PepCyber - Phosphopeptide-binding domain resource
- PhosphoSitePlus - online systems biology resource providing comprehensive information and tools for the study of protein post-translational modifications
- PredictNLS - Prediction and analysis of nuclear localization signals
- Predotar - A prediction service for identifying putative mitochondrial and plastid targeting sequences
- ProteomeScout - A database of proteins and post-translational modifications
- PSORT - Predicts protein sorting signals and localization sites in amino acid sequences
- PTMFunc - Database of PTM functional predictions
- RESID - Database of annotations and structures for protein modifications
- Scansite - Searches for phosphorylation sites and motifs that bind to domains such as SH2, 14-3-3 or PDZ .
- SignalP - Prediction of cleavage sites and signal peptide/non-signal peptide prediction
- TargetP - Prediction of subcellular location
- The Sulfinator - Predicts tyrosine sulfation sites in protein sequences
- YinOYang - predictions for O-beta-GlcNAc attachment sites in eukaryotic protein sequences
Protein interaction links
- DIP - Database of interacting proteins
- IntAct - Interaction database
- KEGG Pathways - Wiring diagrams of molecular interactions, reactions, and relations
- MINT - Molecular interaction database
- ProNet - Protein interactions
- STRING - proteins and their interactions
Motif discovery and search tools
- DILIMOT - Explore interaction data for linear motif candidates
- DoReMi - context-based prioritization of linear motif matches
- eMOTIF - Motif discovery and searching
- Glam2 - Motif finding software
- PATTINPROT - Scan a protein database or sequence for a pattern
- PepSite - structural method to predict peptide/protein binding
- Pratt - Pattern discovery
- ScanProsite - Scan a protein sequence for the occurrence of patterns or search protein databases with a user-entered pattern
- SIRW - Combines the ability to search protein databases with keywords and a sequence motif
- QSLiMFinder - Motif discovery from collections of interacting proteins
- Swiss Shop - Service that allows you to automatically obtain (by email) new sequence entries by pattern matching.
Protein architecture links
- 3did - a catalog of domain-based interactions of known three-dimensional structure
- Aquaria - Insight from protein structures
- Blocks - Database of multiply aligned ungapped segments corresponding to the most highly conserved regions of proteins
- Compartments - Subcellular loalization database
- D2P2 - Database of Disordered Protein Predictions
- DisEMBL - Predictors of protein disorder
- Diseases - Disease-gene associations mined from literature
- DisPROT - IUP resource with native disorder DB, predictors and more
- GlobPlot - Discover protein sequence disorder and globularity
- InterPro - Provides an integrated view of the commonly used signature databases
- IUPRED - predict native disorder/IUP
- MobiDB - A database of protein disorder and mobility annotations
- Pfam - Protein families database of alignments and HMMs
- PredictProtein - Structure prediction and sequence analysis
- PRINTS - Protein fingerprints database
- ProDom - Protein domain database (automatically generated)
- SMART - Protein domain prediction (HMMs) and annotation
- SWISS-PROT - A curated protein sequence database
- Tissues - Tissue expression database
- TMHMM - Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins
- TMpred - Prediction of transmembrane regions and orientation
Other interesting links
- Chimera - Extensible Molecular Modeling System
- DEPOD - The human DEPhOsphorylation Database
- GO - Gene Ontology - dynamic controlled vocabulary for gene and protein roles in cells
- GOtcha - Predict function (GO terms) of proteins
- JalView - Annotated alignment visualisation tool (Jalview Training Channel at Youtube )
- NAR - Nucleic Acids Research Journal - Database Issue
- PeCan - Cancer mutation visualisation
- SignaLink - a signaling pathway resource with multi-layered regulatory networks
- UTOPIA/CINEMA - Annotated alignment visualisation tool